Impact Hub and the Swedish Institute build the future of public transport – safer and inclusive.


To create safer public transport by learning from best practices from other cities, was the vision of the Swedish Institute. In partnership with Impact Hub Stockholm and the Impact Hub Network in Latin America, making public transport safe for all became a goal that extended across borders, in this project that spanned 3-years.


Global meetings took place in Colombia, Mexico, Brazil, and Sweden where six organisations (including MTR Nordic, Brasilia State Secretariat for Transport and Mobility, and Transmetro) examined pressing challenges. Impact Hub assigned a Project Manager for each challenge, and provided a platform to establish dialogues and collaborative action between the wide range of stakeholders, including public and private organisations, academia, NGOs, topical experts, and the public. To continue building upon the six challenges as well as the expertise of the professionals involved, online networking sessions were arranged. This assisted in the expansion of the global connections of the stakeholders and allowed for shared learnings and best practices from around the globe.


External shifts such as Covid-19, election periods, civil unrest, and changes in administration impacted the progress. Despite this, project pilots are being implemented as a result of the wide-spread collaboration. It is clear that the project has influenced future interventions, and has inspired momentum and a continuation of relationships.


The Urban Challenges Handbook is an open source document for city leaders, managers, policymakers who may be interested in engaging multiple stakeholders to solve complex challenges. Download the handbook here.


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Urban Challenges – Making public transport safe for all