Founder Institute Stockholm

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  3. Founder Institute Stockholm
Events from this organizer

FOUNDER NIGHT OUT by Founder Institute & Impact Hub: Network with Stockholm Entrepreneurs

Jakobsbergsgatan 22 Jakobsbergsgatan 22, Stockholm, Sweden

If you have a startup idea or idea-stage company and you are interested in theĀ Founder Institute program, then join us for the Founder Night Out. Meet fellow peers that are applying to the program or already enrolled, as well as the program Directors, Mentors and other important players in the Stockholm tech startup ecosystem. Socialize […]

Stockholm Startup Open Mic: Can My Company Raise Funding?

Jakobsbergsgatan 22 Jakobsbergsgatan 22, Stockholm, Sweden

Do you have a growing startup? Could you use blunt, honest feedback from experienced entrepreneurs? Then join us for the Startup Open Mic event, from the Founder Institute. During this event, members of the audience will pitch their startups to a panel of experts, who will then share their thoughts on whether or not that […]

Get Business Advice on Your Startup or Idea from Local Experts

Jakobsbergsgatan 22 Jakobsbergsgatan 22, Stockholm, Sweden

If you have a startup or startup idea and would like to get feedback and guidance from top local entrepreneurs such and Airmee and P.F.C founders, then join this exclusive and public event. At the event, attendees will have the opportunity to pitch expert CEO mentors and ask them questions about their business strategy, key […]