
Leveraging knowledge and networks to accelerate integration in the Nordic Region​


The project aims to improve and speed up the integration process of immigrants in the Nordic region by connecting them with established locals. The goal is to make the Nordics the most sustainable region for social integration by the year 2030. 


Over the course of 18 months, the mentorship programme will help about 500 participants who reside in Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland or Åland. Through it, we hope to increase trust, acknowledge the importance of diversity, and foster a sense of common purpose among Nordic citizens.

Target Groups

Immigrants living in Sweden, Finland, Norway or Denmark seeking support on how to integrate fully in their new city/country. 

Established citizens of the same countries interested in being mentors to newcomers.


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We want to increase social sustainability, inclusion and integration, and create a sense of meaning to enhance opportunities for future Nordic citizens. Will you join our journey?

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