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Unlocking synergies: Towards a Circular Switzerland

Nov 27th
14:00 - 15:30
Quoting outdoor company Patagonia : “there is no business on a dead planet”.
We are in the midst of a climate and biodiversity crisis. We drastically need a paradigm shift in all sectors wherein climate and environmental factors are incorporated into all decision making processes for business, economic, society and politics.
In recent years, various circular economy projects have been launched in Switzerland. A wide range of private companies and public organisations are dedicated to the goal of making the Swiss economy more sustainable through circularity thanks to creative approaches and innovative initiatives.
In this webinar “Unlocking Synergies – How can Switzerland become a Circular Economy pioneer” we want to discuss with national and international players firstly, where Switzerland stands with regard to circular economy and secondly, what concrete approaches and collaborations are necessary to promote a real transition to a circular economy within the planetary boundaries. The webinar is organized in collaboration between “One Planet Lab” and the “Circular Economy Transition” initiative. It will take place in the framework of the annual Impact Hub Zurich Conference “Open Hub Day” and will bring together more than 100 local participants and about 150 digital participants.

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