Impact Hub Membership- Growing Global
22 November 2015 - Brenda Ochola


The time for the updated Impact Hub Membership is finally here! We are excited to let you know that we are now one of Impact Hubs across the globe who are piloting the upgrade to the Impact Hub Membership experience.

We know from the Impact Hub global annual member survey that our members feel part of our local Impact Hub Stockholm; not yet part of a global Impact Hub community. Hubbers collaborate with members locally, but not across the globe. The survey and other sources clearly indicate that being part of a global movement is something highly motivating and beneficial to our members, and now we are able to be part of this true global collaboration.

We are now moving Impact Hub Stockholm from a local community that is part of a global network, to a global community of many local networks.

This pilot project is about building upon local strengths and adding what you seem to miss most: better global connectivity and a sense of belonging. Therefore, with other Pilot Hubs we’ve worked hard to align the membership experience across Impact Hubs with the goal of being able to say: there is one Impact Hub Membership.

You are probably wondering what the changes mean for you as a member?

First and foremost: instead of “just” being an Impact Hub Stockholm member, you are now an Impact Hub member, part of our global community of 11’000 makers (and counting), based in Stockholm. It means that even though you still have Impact hub Stockholm as your Home Hub, you can access the services you are entitled to at home in all Impact Hubs across the world.

The pilot has three different phases and we are currently in phase 1 which means:

  1. Updated membership model: Prices don’t change, but you will now get more benefits! The Impact Hub membership is the base, and you can buy the services that fit your needs. The services you get are not only from Impact Hub Stockholm, but also from other Impact Hubs.
  2. Meet and work in any Impact Hub: If you are a Hubber who travels you can meet up in any local Pilot Impact Hub. If you also have a co-working package, you can now use your co-working time everywhere! The only thing you need to do is say hi to the host so we can arrange the admin part. Therefore, wherever you are, as an Impact Hub member you are getting the same core experience.
  3. Better and more recognizable events: We have sourced event best-practices from our network and selected 3 monthly events that will take place in all Pilot Hubs. They link to the value propositions #Inspire, #Connect, #Enable which are central to your membership experience. Are you a member who travels? You will know these events take place in other Impact Hubs and that it will be an easy way for you to connect with the local community.
  4. Build profile and gain visibility: Since we already know you well at the local hub here in Stockholm, we are now building global communication channels for you to access and thus expand your network and visibility.


The new Impact Hub Membership will significantly improve your local membership experience and add a layer of global opportunities and belonging. And the best part? You don’t have to pay a dime extra :). The experience and support you can expect in any Impact Hub will be the same. You are an Impact Hub member and not “just” an Impact Hub Stockholm member.

In the second and third phase we will add the following concrete changes for you:

  1. Virtual business opportunities: currently the membership is quite space-centered. By using better platforms we will increase the value proposition for you even if you don’t access the space frequently for co-working or events.
  2. Access a network of 11’000+: with so many members, so many opportunities for collaboration and/or learning exist for you. We are building a better database of members and improve the way you can search for and connect with other members. There will be a new member directory making it easier for you to find Hubbers locally as well as globally, and improve your virtual engagement opportunities.

We will need your help to make this a success. Give your feedback and share your ideas with the entire Impact Hub community by using the hashtag #ImpactHubIdeas. Together we will prototype the new Impact Hub Membership Experience: thank you for being a part of this journey!



Brenda Anne Ochala is a Communications Officer at SEI and is passionate about innovation and applying social entrepreneurship to solve the world’s social and environmental problems.